I first created my CPAGrip account on October 14th, 2014. After looking around the dashboard a little, I remember getting to work straight away. Motivated by a few people’s earnings that I’d seen on a forum thread earlier, I started a new YouTube channel based on a story I had spotted on Sky News. Without going too deep into detail, some hackers had leaked some files from a social media application and I wrote a guide on how to access the deep-web so people could access them. At the time there was colossal amounts of traffic looking for said files, this presented a great opportunity to make money.
So, how did I make money from this?
I used a pre-set CPAGrip file-locker to “lock” the guide so I would make money every time someone downloaded it. It looked something like this. Each download generated between $1-2 on average. Targeting countries such as France, Belgium and the Netherlands can earn in the region of $5-20 per download, but I was new to CPA and I was thoroughly thrilled with earning $1 per download, as most people would be.
The content I made was a guide taught people how to obtain the files from the story that was being aired on the news at the time. Fortunately the files were rather controversial–and as I previously mentioned–and it already had a mass of people searching for it on the internet.
How did I get people to download my content?
To get people downloading the guide–to generate earnings for me–I whipped up 3 videos using PowerPoint, a screen-recorder and a microphone. The videos I uploaded to the YouTube channel were simple walkthroughs of me downloading the guide I had written. I also spoke about the using it get the files from the leak story that was been aired on Sky News.
Search Engine Optimisation is the bread and butter of most successful digital marketers. You can make it as simple and as difficult as you please by either using tried and tested methods properly, or paying for black-hat rubbish that won’t work. I chose the simple route and I have been successful using it to this day.
First of all I put the link to the download in the video description. Next, I added a few annotations to the video, and finally I wrote the subtitles for the video. I spent a few minutes writing a good “SEO optimised description” too, you can get a template here. After that, I spent just around $5 boosting the videos on my channel with views and subscribers fromSEOClerks.
SEOClerks was (and still is) the key to getting my videos to out-rank my competitors. If you don’t quite understand, when people search for content on YouTube a program sorts the videos based on a few simple factors. Trust, popularity, interactivity and tendency to be the correct video. If you’re video is abhorrent, then it’s unlikely that anyone one will find your video. To rank your videos well in the search results–so more people see it– you need to generate more views that last for a decent amount of time, write a good optimised description (use the template above), create conversation with your commenters, and generate subscribers and likes.
Writing a good description and making a good video is the most important part of the story. But, boosting your channel with SEOClerks will enable you to “hack the system” and push your videos up the rankings with your views, comments, likes and subscribers. In short, SEOClerkspresents you with the metaphorical icing to your cake.
First of all I put the link to the download in the video description. Next, I added a few annotations to the video, and finally I wrote the subtitles for the video. I spent a few minutes writing a good “SEO optimised description” too, you can get a template here. After that, I spent just around $5 boosting the videos on my channel with views and subscribers fromSEOClerks.
SEOClerks was (and still is) the key to getting my videos to out-rank my competitors. If you don’t quite understand, when people search for content on YouTube a program sorts the videos based on a few simple factors. Trust, popularity, interactivity and tendency to be the correct video. If you’re video is abhorrent, then it’s unlikely that anyone one will find your video. To rank your videos well in the search results–so more people see it– you need to generate more views that last for a decent amount of time, write a good optimised description (use the template above), create conversation with your commenters, and generate subscribers and likes.
Writing a good description and making a good video is the most important part of the story. But, boosting your channel with SEOClerks will enable you to “hack the system” and push your videos up the rankings with your views, comments, likes and subscribers. In short, SEOClerkspresents you with the metaphorical icing to your cake.
After creating a YouTube channel, uploading three videos, doing a little on-page SEO and boosting my channel with SEOClerks, I ended up with $75.43 by the end of the day. The videos generated 1210 clicks and 55 leads, a conversion rate of 4.55%. The conversion rate (in simple terms) denotes the amount of people that end up making you some money.
Although my conversion rate was fairly low at the time, it goes without saying that given the amount of work I’d put in, as a teenager with no job, I was ecstatic with the results. I’d earned more than someone doing a hard day’s work at a fast-food restaurant, from the comfort of my bedroom. Better yet, the videos were going to make me yet even more money tomorrow–and everyday after until the hype died down.
This motivated me to achieve more
I didn’t settle with just 3 videos, instead I started to make more and more channels with the hope of exploiting better niches and trying new tactics. CPA even motivated me to do a few a programming courses on Codecademy to upgrade my web-dev skills. Although I already knew HTML, CSS and a little PHP, I now know jQuery and Javascript. These two languages–although not at all compulsory to make money with CPA–have been especially helpful in creating more aesthetic landing pages. I would strongly advise you learn a little HTML and CSS though as it’s handy to design webpages in order to progress faster. Check out my HTML tutorials.
The true beauty behind CPA is learning that consistently building new niche-targeted content will produce compounding effects. Imagine you make one niche per week, you could generate 4 times as much as my first shot, with minimal effort, in the first month–you might even make more from your very first try.
Are you keen on making money with CPA but don’t know what it is?
Well CPA isn’t “hard to crack”, but knowing what CPA is and how it works is vital, especially if you want to follow what I’ve done. I’ve quoted an excerpt from Backlinko to help you understand CPA better.
CPA stands for “Cost Per Action“.
CPA is very simple: you get paid when someone clicks on your affiliate link and completes an action.
The “action” can be:
- Filling out a form
- Getting an estimate or quote
- Signing up for a free trial
- Downloading an app
- Entering a competition
To start making money you need to know more about your network and how to use the tools it provides.
Why you should use CPAGrip and the benefits of using them
So far I’ve spoken a lot about CPAGrip, that’s because to this date they have: never missed a payment, responded to all of my questions quickly. and continue to outperform other networks I’ve used such as CPALead, Adludum and AdWorkMedia.
My top five reasons why you should go with them are:
- Trust
- Payment Reliabilty
- Publisher Support
- Community Support
- Earnings
There are a few networks out there that rip-off (or simply rob) their affiliates, lack customer support and community-spirit, and fail to pay on time. CPAGrip is tried, tested, vetted and used by some of the biggest earners in CPA. It is easy to avoid being the next person in the forums who complains about being done over. They also have a really nice dashboard as you can see below.
One of the most important features that CPAGrip offers is the range of preset file/URL lockers. You already know that you get paid when someone completes an action. CPAGrip makes this easy.
Here is another example pre-set landing page from CPAGrip. This is the type of page that you will be using to get people to complete an action. You’ll notice after clicking the “Begin Download” button that you are tasked with choosing an offer to complete so that you can unlock your content. This called “incentivised marketing” as you are providing an incentive (a download) in exchange for an offer completion.
The landing pages are extremely easy to set-up from the dashboard, but if you need a more thorough introduction to the dashboard then you should watch this video. If you’re comfortable however, then you need to understand the rules and legalities.
Staying Legal
- You should never distribute content you do not have the right to distribute
- Don’t break the rules of your network
If you’re unsure about the first point then read about file-sharing and copyright law. The second point is also very important; if you make a tonne of money using unethical methods that your network does not approve of, you risk losing your money. If you decide to break both pointers you could end up both broke and prosecuted, so don’t break any laws nor rules!
Although the vast majority of people don’t need to be, if you’re going to use the information in this guide for “black hat” reasons then I strongly advise against it for reasons already mentioned. Don’t confuse being grey hat with being black hat. But, try to stay white hat. This article will explain hat colours if you’re confused.
Spotting your first niche
This is the hardest part for many people, especially when keeping in-line with both: copyright law and the rules of the network. Unfortunately, some think it’s a great idea to share locked download links to the latest One Direction album. While yes, it is a good niche given the amount of traffic for this content, this is bad, illegal practice.
Instead of going for obvious niches, you should begin to think outside of the box. For example, in recent news hackers leaked the database of Ashley Madison’s users, this leak reveals over 39million people that signed up to cheat on their partners. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to lock a guide on how people can access this list to see if their partner is on there.
Now picture this, you’ve just made the niche 5 minutes after the leak hits the news. The traffic that you will receive will be colossal. Better yet, the people will be well-inclined to complete your survey if it means they can calm their fears of being married to a cheat. This is an example of what I call an “explosive” niche, these niches explode with traffic but they do eventually subside over time.
On the other hand, ever-green niches (such as weight-loss and diet programs), are another great avenue to exploit. If you’re a keen writer, or if you have a hobby that you can write about, you should understand that: information sells. But, information can often sell better when the person can pay by submitting their email. The only down-side to ever-green niches are the competition. People search for weight-loss guides all year round so there are lots of people trying to cater for the niche.
CPA is a fun and relatively easy way to make money. Following my steps will help you to start earning. Pick a popular niche, create the content, upload it to YouTube, SEO the video and boost it with SEOClerks. Make sure you don’t break the law, nor the rules of your network. Stay white hat (or grey hat). Finally, watch the money roll in.